The Story So Far 解説動画 その3 Sav編





Another track is like about from 'The Story So Far' Disc1,
is one of my all time favorite, it's Hysteria.

ザ・ストーリー・ソー・ファー Disk1の他の曲の話は、



It's one of those song that never ever kind of get tired of listening ,too,
never ever get tired of play.


For me it's the highlight of the night we play the song,


There are just special bond between the audience and the band, particuraly on that song,


I don't really know why, it's just we also come together and
it's just one of those songs it's like band love, crowd love, is the mutual appreciation,

どうしてだか解らないけど、僕たちもひとつにまとまるし バンドの愛と観客の愛が相互作用する曲のひとつです

And I remenber comming up with a verse idea, it's just like the very simple jungle,

一番のフレーズを思いついた時のことは よく覚えている。とてもシンプルな節だった

when we were recoreding, we were in Paris recording some of the tracks of Hysteria album,


and I just kind of play did and Phil play did, and Joe, Joe didn't like inicially



I think I remember saying himself it sounds too much like Paris song, we shouldn't be going there



and I... maybe OK I play did the Phil and said "No, it's fantastic it's brilliant, by the way I got these .."   Phil on to it, and I feel like this idea for that bridge, ' I gotta know tonight,..'which was literally glued, on the the end of this idea I had.


それでたしか僕が弾いて フィルが弾いて「いや、すばらしいと思うよ! ところで僕はこれを作ったんだ」といってフィルが アイ ガラ ノウ トゥナイト を弾いて、僕は これブリッジにしたらいいなって思って その部分は僕が持っていた最後のメロディへの糊の役割をした。


And from them too much of ignored,

その後 沢山のアイデアが没になって、


and I think pretty much soon and after Steve came up of the idea of just at the chorus chode, the little guitar parts of each in it,

確かその後すぐにスティーブがコーラスのコードと それぞれの中の小さいギターパートを思いついた


By that point we got Mutt get involved, you know, him & Joe was basically finished of,



that was we didn't have a title, when Mutt & Joe came out of Hysteria idea, that when Rick thought what we should call the album



It's a great album, it's a great title.


Oh we went yet playing the song is it became is, so the album trucks
of the album Hysteria to me it's kind of...greatest hits songs all right
it's one of my favorite songs,


it's the best to play every single night,


It's one of the few songs I still listen to,  


That's cool. 
